2016年5月29日 星期日


21:22 我未見城內有殿,因主上帝─全能者和羔羊為城的殿。
21:23 那城內又不用日月光照;因有上帝的榮耀光照,又有羔羊為城的燈。
21:24 列國要在城的光裡行走;地上的君王必將自己的榮耀歸與那城。
21:25 城門白晝總不關閉,在那裡原沒有黑夜。
21:26 人必將列國的榮耀、尊貴歸與那城。
21:27 凡不潔淨的,並那行可憎與虛謊之事的,總不得進那城;只有名字寫在羔羊生命冊上的才得進去。

And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.  And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.  By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it,  and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there.  They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations.  But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.





21:15 對我說話的,拿著金葦子當尺,要量那城和城門城牆。
21:16 城是四方的,長寬一樣。天使用葦子量那城,共有四千里,長、寬、高都是一樣;
21:17 又量了城牆,按著人的尺寸,就是天使的尺寸,共有一百四十四肘。
21:18 牆是碧玉造的;城是精金的,如同明淨的玻璃。
21:19 城牆的根基是用各樣寶石修飾的:第一根基是碧玉;第二是藍寶石;第三是綠瑪瑙;第四是綠寶石;
21:20 第五是紅瑪瑙;第六是紅寶石;第七是黃璧璽;第八是水蒼玉;第九是紅璧璽;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫瑪瑙;第十二是紫晶。
21:21 十二個門是十二顆珍珠,每門是一顆珍珠。城內的街道是精金,好像明透的玻璃。

And the one who spoke with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls.  The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city with his rod, 12,000 stadia. Its length and width and height are equal.  He also measured its wall, 144 cubits by human measurement, which is also an angel's measurement.  The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass.  The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,  the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.  And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.




21:9 拿著七個金碗、盛滿末後七災的七位天使中,有一位來對我說:「你到這裡來,我要將新婦,就是羔羊的妻,指給你看。」
21:10 我被聖靈感動,天使就帶我到一座高大的山,將那由上帝那裡、從天而降的聖城耶路撒冷指示我。
21:11 城中有上帝的榮耀;城的光輝如同極貴的寶石,好像碧玉,明如水晶。
21:12 有高大的牆,有十二個門,門上有十二位天使,門上又寫著以色列十二個支派的名字。
21:13 東邊有三門,北邊有三門,南邊有三門,西邊有三門。
21:14 城牆有十二根基,根基上有羔羊十二使徒的名字。

Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues and spoke to me, saying, "Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed— 13 on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.





2016年5月28日 星期六


21:5 坐寶座的說:「看哪,我將一切都更新了!」又說:「你要寫上;因這些話是可信的,是真實的。」
21:6 他又對我說:「都成了!我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是初,我是終。我要將生命泉的水白白賜給那口渴的人喝。
21:7 得勝的,必承受這些為業:我要作他的上帝,他要作我的兒子。
21:8 惟有膽怯的、不信的、可憎的、殺人的、淫亂的、行邪術的、拜偶像的,和一切說謊話的,他們的分就在燒著硫磺的火湖裡;這是第二次的死。」

And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."






21:1 我又看見一個新天新地;因為先前的天地已經過去了,海也不再有了。
21:2 我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由上帝那裡從天而降,預備好了,就如新婦妝飾整齊,等候丈夫。
21:3 我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:「看哪,上帝的帳幕在人間。他要與人同住,他們要作他的子民。上帝要親自與他們同在,作他們的上帝。
21:4 上帝要擦去他們一切的眼淚;不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。」

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."








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