4:14 他們在街上如瞎子亂走,又被血玷污,以致人不能摸他們的衣服。
4:15 人向他們喊著說:不潔淨的,躲開,躲開!不要挨近我!他們逃走飄流的時候,列國中有人說:他們不可仍在這裡寄居。
4:16 耶和華發怒,將他們分散,不再眷顧他們;人不重看祭司,也不厚待長老。
4:17 我們仰望人來幫助,以致眼目失明,還是枉然;我們所盼望的,竟盼望一個不能救人的國!
4:18 仇敵追趕我們的腳步像打獵的,以致我們不敢在自己的街上行走。我們的結局臨近;我們的日子滿足;我們的結局來到了。
4:19 追趕我們的比空中的鷹更快;他們在山上追逼我們,在曠野埋伏,等候我們。
4:20 耶和華的受膏者好比我們鼻中的氣,在他們的坑中被捉住;我們曾論到他說:我們必在他蔭下,在列國中存活。
4:21 住烏斯地的以東民哪,只管歡喜快樂;苦杯也必傳到你那裡;你必喝醉,以致露體。
4:22 錫安的民哪,你罪孽的刑罰受足了,耶和華必不使你再被擄去。以東的民哪,他必追討你的罪孽,顯露你的罪惡。
They wandered, blind, through the streets;
they were so defiled with blood
that no one was able to touch
their garments.
“Away! Unclean!” people cried at them.
“Away! Away! Do not touch!”
So they became fugitives and wanderers;
people said among the nations,
“They shall stay with us no longer.”
Lord himself has scattered them;
he will regard them no more;
no honor was shown to the priests,
no favor to the elders.
Our eyes failed, ever watching
vainly for help;
in our watching we watched
for a nation which could not save.
They dogged our steps
so that we could not walk in our streets;
our end drew near; our days were numbered,
for our end had come.
pursuers were swifter
than the eagles in the heavens;
they chased us on the mountains;
they lay in wait for us in the wilderness.
breath of our nostrils, the Lord's anointed,
was captured in their pits,
of whom we said, “Under his shadow
we shall live among the nations.”
Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom,
you who dwell in the land of Uz;
but to you also the cup shall pass;
you shall become drunk and strip yourself
punishment of your iniquity, O daughter of Zion, is accomplished;
he will keep you in exile no longer;
but your iniquity, O daughter of Edom, he
will punish;
he will uncover your sins.