2016年11月7日 星期一


21:8 耶和華的話臨到我說:
21:9 「人子啊,你要預言。耶和華吩咐我如此說:有刀、有刀,是磨快擦亮的;
21:10 磨快為要行殺戮,擦亮為要像閃電。我們豈可快樂嗎?罰我子的杖藐視各樹。
21:11 這刀已經交給人擦亮,為要應手使用。這刀已經磨快擦亮,好交在行殺戮的人手中。
21:12 人子啊,你要呼喊哀號,因為這刀臨到我的百姓和以色列一切的首領。他們和我的百姓都交在刀下,所以你要拍腿歎息。
21:13 有試驗的事;若那藐視的杖歸於無有,怎麼樣呢?這是主耶和華說的。
21:14 「人子啊,你要拍掌預言。我─耶和華要使這刀,就是致死傷的刀,一連三次加倍刺人,進入他們的內屋,使大人受死傷的就是這刀。
21:15 我設立這恐嚇人的刀,攻擊他們的一切城門,使他們的心消化,加增他們跌倒的事。哎!這刀造得像閃電,磨得尖利,要行殺戮。
21:16 刀啊,你歸在右邊,擺在左邊;你面向哪方,就向那方殺戮。
21:17 我也要拍掌,並要使我的忿怒止息。這是我─耶和華說的。」

And the word of the Lord came to me:  “Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus says the Lord, say:      
A sword, a sword is sharpened
and also polished,
  sharpened for slaughter,
polished to flash like lightning!
(Or shall we rejoice? You have despised the rod, my son, with everything of wood.)  So the sword is given to be polished, that it may be grasped in the hand. It is sharpened and polished to be given into the hand of the slayer.  Cry out and wail, son of man, for it is against my people. It is against all the princes of Israel. They are delivered over to the sword with my people. Strike therefore upon your thigh.  For it will not be a testing—what could it do if you despise the rod?” declares the Lord God.
  “As for you, son of man, prophesy. Clap your hands and let the sword come down twice, yes, three times, the sword for those to be slain. It is the sword for the great slaughter, which surrounds them,  that their hearts may melt, and many stumble. At all their gates I have given the glittering sword. Ah, it is made like lightning; it is taken up for slaughter.  Cut sharply to the right; set yourself to the left, wherever your face is directed.  I also will clap my hands, and I will satisfy my fury; I the Lord have spoken.”





2016年11月6日 星期日


   以西結書21:1-7  ,  以西結書21:8-17   , 以西結書21:18-27   ,  以西結書21:28-32  ,


21:1 耶和華的話臨到我說:
21:2 「人子啊,你要面向耶路撒冷和聖所滴下預言,攻擊以色列地。
21:3 對以色列地說,耶和華如此說:我與你為敵,並要拔刀出鞘,從你中間將義人和惡人一併剪除。
21:4 我既要從你中間剪除義人和惡人,所以我的刀要出鞘,自南至北攻擊一切有血氣的;
21:5 一切有血氣的就知道我─耶和華已經拔刀出鞘,必不再入鞘。
21:6 人子啊,你要歎息,在他們眼前彎著腰,苦苦地歎息。
21:7 他們問你說:『為何歎息呢?』你就說:『因為有風聲、災禍要來。人心都必消化,手都發軟,精神衰敗,膝弱如水。看哪,這災禍臨近,必然成就。這是主耶和華說的。』」

1 The word of the Lord came to me:2 "Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem and preach against the sanctuaries. Prophesy against the land of Israel 3 and say to the land of Israel, Thus says the Lord: Behold, I am against you and will draw my sword from its sheath and will cut off from you both righteous and wicked. 4 Because I will cut off from you both righteous and wicked, therefore my sword shall be drawn from its sheath against all flesh from south to north. 5 And all flesh shall know that I am the Lord. I have drawn my sword from its sheath; it shall not be sheathed again.
6 "As for you, son of man, groan; with breaking heart and bitter grief, groan before their eyes. 7 And when they say to you, 'Why do you groan? ' you shall say, 'Because of the news that it is coming. Every heart will melt, and all hands will be feeble; every spirit will faint, and all knees will be weak as water. Behold, it is coming, and it will be fulfilled,'" declares the Lord God.






2016年11月4日 星期五


20:45 耶和華的話臨到我說:
20:46 「人子啊,你要面向南方,向南滴下預言攻擊南方田野的樹林。
20:47 對南方的樹林說,要聽耶和華的話。主耶和華如此說:我必使火在你中間著起,燒滅你中間的一切青樹和枯樹,猛烈的火焰必不熄滅。從南到北,人的臉面都被燒焦。
20:48 凡有血氣的都必知道是我─耶和華使火著起,這火必不熄滅。」
20:49 於是我說:「哎!主耶和華啊,人都指著我說:他豈不是說比喻的嗎?」

45 And the word of the Lord came to me:46 "Son of man, set your face toward the southland; preach against the south, and prophesy against the forest land in the Negeb. 47 Say to the forest of the Negeb, Hear the word of the Lord:Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it shall devour every green tree in you and every dry tree. The blazing flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from south to north shall be scorched by it. 48 All flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it; it shall not be quenched." 49 Then I said, "Ah, Lord God! They are saying of me, 'Is he not a maker of parables? '"







20:39 「以色列家啊,至於你們,主耶和華如此說:從此以後若不聽從我,就任憑你們去事奉偶像,只是不可再因你們的供物和偶像褻瀆我的聖名。
20:40 「主耶和華說:在我的聖山,就是以色列高處的山,所有以色列的全家都要事奉我。我要在那裡悅納你們,向你們要供物和初熟的土產,並一切的聖物。
20:41 我從萬民中領你們出來,從分散的列國內聚集你們,那時我必悅納你們好像馨香之祭,要在外邦人眼前在你們身上顯為聖。
20:42 我領你們進入以色列地,就是我起誓應許賜給你們列祖之地,那時你們就知道我是耶和華。
20:43 你們在那裡要追念玷污自己的行動作為,又要因所做的一切惡事厭惡自己。
20:44 主耶和華說:以色列家啊,我為我名的緣故,不照著你們的惡行和你們的壞事待你們;你們就知道我是耶和華。」

39 "As for you, O house of Israel, thus says the Lord God: Go serve every one of you his idols, now and hereafter, if you will not listen to me; but my holy name you shall no more profane with your gifts and your idols.
40 "For on my holy mountain, the mountain height of Israel, declares the Lord God, there all the house of Israel, all of them, shall serve me in the land. There I will accept them, and there I will require your contributions and the choicest of your gifts, with all your sacred offerings. 41 As a pleasing aroma I will accept you, when I bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you have been scattered. And I will manifest my holiness among you in the sight of the nations. 42 And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I bring you into the land of Israel, the country that I swore to give to your fathers. 43 And there you shall remember your ways and all your deeds with which you have defiled yourselves, and you shall loathe yourselves for all the evils that you have committed. 44 And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I deal with you for my name's sake, not according to your evil ways, nor according to your corrupt deeds, O house of Israel, declares the Lord God."







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