2:7 耶和華丟棄自己的祭壇,憎惡自己的聖所,將宮殿的牆垣交付仇敵。他們在耶和華的殿中喧嚷,像在聖會之日一樣。
2:8 耶和華定意拆毀錫安的城牆;他拉了準繩,不將手收回,定要毀滅。他使外郭和城牆都悲哀,一同衰敗。
2:9 錫安的門都陷入地內;主將她的門閂毀壞,折斷。她的君王和首領落在沒有律法的列國中;她的先知不得見耶和華的異象。
2:10 錫安城的長老坐在地上默默無聲;他們揚起塵土落在頭上,腰束麻布;耶路撒冷的處女垂頭至地。
The Lord has scorned his altar,
disowned his sanctuary;
he has delivered into the hand of the enemy
the walls of her palaces;
they raised a clamor in the house of the
as on the day of festival.
Lord determined to lay in ruins
the wall of the daughter of Zion;
he stretched out the measuring line;
he did not restrain his hand from
he caused rampart and wall to lament;
they languished together.
gates have sunk into the ground;
he has ruined and broken her bars;
her king and princes are among the nations;
the law is no more,
and her prophets find
no vision from the Lord.
elders of the daughter of Zion
sit on the ground in silence;
they have thrown dust on their heads
and put on sackcloth;
the young women of Jerusalem
have bowed their heads to the ground.