3:55 耶和華啊,我從深牢中求告你的名。
3:56 你曾聽見我的聲音;我求你解救,你不要掩耳不聽。
3:57 我求告你的日子,你臨近我,說:不要懼怕!
3:58 主啊,你伸明了我的冤;你救贖了我的命。
3:59 耶和華啊,你見了我受的委屈;求你為我伸冤。
3:60 他們仇恨我,謀害我,你都看見了。
3:61 耶和華啊,你聽見他們辱罵我的話,知道他們向我所設的計,
3:62 並那些起來攻擊我的人口中所說的話,以及終日向我所設的計謀。
3:63 求你觀看,他們坐下,起來,都以我為歌曲。
3:64 耶和華啊,你要按著他們手所做的向他們施行報應。
3:65 你要使他們心裡剛硬,使你的咒詛臨到他們。
3:66 你要發怒追趕他們,從耶和華的天下除滅他們。
55 "I called on your name, O Lord,
from the depths of the pit;
56 you heard my plea, 'Do not close
your ear to my cry for help! '
57 You came near when I called on you;
you said, 'Do not fear! '
58 "You have taken up my cause, O
you have redeemed my life.
59 You have seen the wrong done to me, O
judge my cause.
60 You have seen all their vengeance,
all their plots against me.
61 "You have heard their taunts, O
all their plots against me.
62 The lips and thoughts of my assailants
are against me all the day long.
63 Behold their sitting and their rising;
I am
the object of their taunts.
64 "You will repay them, O Lord,
according to the work of their hands.
65 You will give them dullness of heart;
your curse will be on them.
66 You will pursue them in anger and
destroy them
from under your heavens, O Lord."