2017年2月1日 星期三


3:37 除非主命定,誰能說成就成呢?
3:38 禍福不都出於至高者的口嗎?
3:39 活人因自己的罪受罰,為何發怨言呢?
3:40 我們當深深考察自己的行為,再歸向耶和華。
3:41 我們當誠心向天上的神舉手禱告。
3:42 我們犯罪背逆,你並不赦免。
3:43 你自被怒氣遮蔽,追趕我們;你施行殺戮,並不顧惜。
3:44 你以黑雲遮蔽自己,以致禱告不得透入。
3:45 你使我們在萬民中成為污穢和渣滓。

37 Who has spoken and it came to pass,
unless the Lord has commanded it?
38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
that good and bad come?
39 Why should a living man complain,
a man, about the punishment of his sins?
40 Let us test and examine our ways,
 and return to the Lord!
41 Let us lift up our hearts and hands
to God in heaven:
42 "We have transgressed and rebelled,
and you have not forgiven.
43 "You have wrapped yourself with anger and pursued us,
 killing without pity;
44 you have wrapped yourself with a cloud
so that no prayer can pass through.
45 You have made us scum and garbage
among the peoples.




