2:18 錫安民的心哀求主。錫安的城牆啊,願你流淚如河,晝夜不息;願你眼中的瞳人淚流不止。
2:19 夜間,每逢交更的時候要起來呼喊,在主面前傾心如水。你的孩童在各市口上受餓發昏;你要為他們的性命向主舉手禱告。
2:20 耶和華啊,求你觀看!見你向誰這樣行?婦人豈可吃自己所生育手裡所搖弄的嬰孩嗎?祭司和先知豈可在主的聖所中被殺戮嗎?
2:21 少年人和老年人都在街上躺臥;我的處女和壯丁都倒在刀下;你發怒的日子殺死他們。你殺了,並不顧惜。
2:22 你招聚四圍驚嚇我的,像在大會的日子招聚人一樣。耶和華發怒的日子,無人逃脫,無人存留。我所搖弄所養育的嬰孩,仇敵都殺淨了。
Their heart cried to the Lord.
O wall of the daughter of Zion,
let tears stream down like a torrent
day and night!
Give yourself no rest,
your eyes no respite!
“Arise, cry out in the night,
at the beginning of the night watches!
Pour out your heart like water
before the presence of the Lord!
Lift your hands to him
for the lives of your children,
who faint for hunger
at the head of every street.”
Look, O Lord, and see!
With whom have you dealt thus?
Should women eat the fruit of their womb,
the children of their tender care?
Should priest and prophet be killed
in the sanctuary of the Lord?
the dust of the streets
lie the young and the old;
my young women and my young men
have fallen by the sword;
you have killed them in the day of your
slaughtering without pity.
summoned as if to a festival day
my terrors on every side,
and on the day of the anger of the Lord
no one escaped or survived;
those whom I held and raised
my enemy destroyed.