2016年3月16日 星期三


1:16 我們從前將我們主耶穌基督的大能和他降臨的事告訴你們,並不是隨從乖巧捏造的虛言,乃是親眼見過他的威榮。
1:17 他從父上帝得尊貴榮耀的時候,從極大榮光之中有聲音出來,向他說:「這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。」
1:18 我們同他在聖山的時候,親自聽見這聲音從天上出來。

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Ngài-têu yî-chhièn chiông yû-koân ngài-têu ke Chú Yâ-sû Kî-tuk ke thai-nèn lâu chai-lìm ke sṳ lâu ngì-têu kóng, pin m̀-he kîn-kí ke-têu ngiap-chho chhut-lòi mò-yáng mò-chiak ke chhòn-sot. Ngài-têu yû chhîn-ngién khon-ko kì ke ví-thai. Kì tui Â-pâ Song-ti chiap-su chûn-kui lâu yùng-kông ke sṳ̀, ngài-têu ya lûng-chúng chhai-chhòng. Ke-sṳ̀, Chṳ-kô Yùng-kông ke Song-ti tui kì kóng: “Liá he Ngài só-siak ke Lai-é, Ngài só fôn-hí ke.” Ngài-têu thùng kì khiung-ha chhai sṳn-sân táng-kô, chhîn-ngí thâng-tó liá tui thiên-táng lòi ke sâng-yîm.






