44:15 「以色列人走迷離開我的時候,祭司利未人撒督的子孫仍看守我的聖所。他們必親近我,事奉我,並且侍立在我面前,將脂油與血獻給我。這是主耶和華說的。
44:16 他們必進入我的聖所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。
44:17 他們進內院門必穿細麻衣。在內院門和殿內供職的時候不可穿羊毛衣服。
44:18 他們頭上要戴細麻布裹頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。
44:19 他們出到外院的民那裡,當脫下供職的衣服,放在聖屋內,穿上別的衣服,免得因聖衣使民成聖。
44:20 不可剃頭,也不可容髮綹長長,只可剪髮。
44:21 祭司進內院的時候都不可喝酒。
44:22 不可娶寡婦和被休的婦人為妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的處女,或是祭司遺留的寡婦。
44:23 他們要使我的民知道聖俗的分別,又使他們分辨潔淨的和不潔淨的。
44:24 有爭訟的事,他們應當站立判斷,要按我的典章判斷。在我一切的節期必守我的律法、條例,也必以我的安息日為聖日。
44:25 他們不可挨近死屍沾染自己,只可為父親、母親、兒子、女兒、弟兄,和未嫁人的姊妹沾染自己。
44:26 祭司潔淨之後,必再計算七日。
44:27 當他進內院,進聖所,在聖所中事奉的日子,要為自己獻贖罪祭。這是主耶和華說的。
15 "But the Levitical priests, the
sons of Zadok, who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel
went astray from me, shall come near to me to minister to me. And they shall
stand before me to offer me the fat and the blood, declares the Lord God. 16
They shall enter my sanctuary, and they shall approach my table, to minister to
me, and they shall keep my charge. 17 When they enter the gates of the inner
court, they shall wear linen garments. They shall have nothing of wool on them,
while they minister at the gates of the inner court, and within. 18 They shall
have linen turbans on their heads, and linen undergarments around their waists.
They shall not bind themselves with anything that causes sweat. 19 And when
they go out into the outer court to the people, they shall put off the garments
in which they have been ministering and lay them in the holy chambers. And they
shall put on other garments, lest they transmit holiness to the people with
their garments. 20 They shall not shave their heads or let their locks grow
long; they shall surely trim the hair of their heads. 21 No priest shall drink
wine when he enters the inner court. 22 They shall not marry a widow or a
divorced woman, but only virgins of the offspring of the house of Israel, or a
widow who is the widow of a priest. 23 They shall teach my people the
difference between the holy and the common, and show them how to distinguish
between the unclean and the clean. 24 In a dispute, they shall act as judges,
and they shall judge it according to my judgments. They shall keep my laws and
my statutes in all my appointed feasts, and they shall keep my Sabbaths holy.
25 They shall not defile themselves by going near to a dead person. However,
for father or mother, for son or daughter, for brother or unmarried sister they
may defile themselves. 26 After he has become clean, they shall count seven
days for him. 27 And on the day that he goes into the Holy Place, into the
inner court, to minister in the Holy Place, he shall offer his sin offering,
declares the Lord God.