2017年9月7日 星期四


31:15 耶和華如此說:在拉瑪聽見號咷痛哭的聲音,是拉結哭她兒女,不肯受安慰,因為他們都不在了。
31:16 耶和華如此說:你禁止聲音不要哀哭,禁止眼目不要流淚,因你所做之工必有賞賜;他們必從敵國歸回。這是耶和華說的。
31:17 耶和華說:你末後必有指望;你的兒女必回到自己的境界。
31:18 我聽見以法蓮為自己悲歎說:你責罰我,我便受責罰,像不慣負軛的牛犢一樣。求你使我回轉,我便回轉,因為你是耶和華─我的 神。
31:19 我回轉以後就真正懊悔;受教以後就拍腿歎息;我因擔當幼年的凌辱就抱愧蒙羞。
31:20 耶和華說:以法蓮是我的愛子嗎?是可喜悅的孩子嗎?我每逢責備他,仍深顧念他;所以我的心腸戀慕他;我必要憐憫他。
31:21 以色列民(原文是處女)哪,你當為自己設立指路碑,豎起引路柱。你要留心向大路,就是你所去的原路;你當回轉,回轉到你這些城邑。
31:22 背道的民(原文是女子)哪,你反來覆去要到幾時呢?耶和華在地上造了一件新事,就是女子護衛男子。

15 This is what the Lord says:

A voice is heard in Ramah,
    mourning and great weeping,
Rachel weeping for her children
    and refusing to be comforted,
    because they are no more.”

16 This is what the Lord says:

Restrain your voice from weeping
    and your eyes from tears,
for your work will be rewarded,”
declares the Lord.
    “They will return from the land of the enemy.
So there is hope for your descendants,”
declares the Lord.
    “Your children will return to their own land.

I have surely heard Ephraim’s moaning:
    ‘You disciplined me like an unruly calf,
    and I have been disciplined.
Restore me, and I will return,
    because you are the Lord my God.
After I strayed,
    I repented;
after I came to understand,
    I beat my breast.
I was ashamed and humiliated
    because I bore the disgrace of my youth.’
Is not Ephraim my dear son,
    the child in whom I delight?
Though I often speak against him,
    I still remember him.
Therefore my heart yearns for him;
    I have great compassion for him,”
declares the Lord.

Set up road signs;
    put up guideposts.
Take note of the highway,
    the road that you take.
Return, Virgin Israel,
    return to your towns.
How long will you wander,
    unfaithful Daughter Israel?
The Lord will create a new thing on earth—
    the woman will return to[b] the man.”








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