4:1 我們既蒙留下,有進入他安息的應許,就當畏懼,免得我們(原文是你們)中間或有人似乎是趕不上了。
4:2 因為有福音傳給我們,像傳給他們一樣;只是所聽見的道與他們無益,因為他們沒有信心與所聽見的道調和。
4:3 但我們已經相信的人得以進入那安息,正如上帝所說:「我在怒中起誓說:『他們斷不可進入我的安息!』」其實造物之工,從創世以來已經成全了。
4:4 論到第七日,有一處說:「到第七日,上帝就歇了他一切的工。」
4:5 又有一處說:「他們斷不可進入我的安息!」
4:6 既有必進安息的人,那先前聽見福音的,因為不信從,不得進去。
4:7 所以過了多年,就在大衛的書上,又限定一日,如以上所引的說:「你們今日若聽他的話,就不可硬著心。」
4:2 因為有福音傳給我們,像傳給他們一樣;只是所聽見的道與他們無益,因為他們沒有信心與所聽見的道調和。
4:3 但我們已經相信的人得以進入那安息,正如上帝所說:「我在怒中起誓說:『他們斷不可進入我的安息!』」其實造物之工,從創世以來已經成全了。
4:4 論到第七日,有一處說:「到第七日,上帝就歇了他一切的工。」
4:5 又有一處說:「他們斷不可進入我的安息!」
4:6 既有必進安息的人,那先前聽見福音的,因為不信從,不得進去。
4:7 所以過了多年,就在大衛的書上,又限定一日,如以上所引的說:「你們今日若聽他的話,就不可硬著心。」
Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let
us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 2 For we
also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message
they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of
those who obeyed. 3 Now
we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said,
“So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the
world. 4 For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day
in these words: “On the seventh day God rested from all his works.” 5 And again in the passage
above he says, “They shall never enter my rest.”
6 Therefore since it still
remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good
news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience, 7 God
again set a certain day, calling it “Today.” This he did when a long time later
he spoke through David, as in the passage already quoted:
“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts.”
do not harden your hearts.”