2016年8月2日 星期二


3:1 「到那日,我使猶大和耶路撒冷被擄之人歸回的時候,
3:2 我要聚集萬民,帶他們下到約沙法谷,在那裡施行審判;因為他們將我的百姓,就是我的產業以色列,分散在列國中,又分取我的地土,
3:3 且為我的百姓拈鬮,將童子換妓女,賣童女買酒喝。
3:4 「泰爾、西頓,和非利士四境的人哪,你們與我何干?你們要報復我嗎?若報復我,我必使報應速速歸到你們的頭上。
3:5 你們既然奪取我的金銀,又將我可愛的寶物帶入你們宮殿(或譯:廟中),
3:6 並將猶大人和耶路撒冷人賣給希臘人(原文是雅完人),使他們遠離自己的境界。
3:7 我必激動他們離開你們所賣到之地,又必使報應歸到你們的頭上。
3:8 我必將你們的兒女賣在猶大人的手中,他們必賣給遠方示巴國的人。這是耶和華說的。」

1 "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, 3 and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it.
4 "What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. 5 For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. 6 You have sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks in order to remove them far from their own border. 7 Behold, I will stir them up from the place to which you have sold them, and I will return your payment on your own head. 8 I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, to a nation far away, for the Lord has spoken."








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