2:1 主何竟發怒,使黑雲遮蔽錫安城!他將以色列的華美從天扔在地上;在他發怒的日子並不記念自己的腳凳。
2:2 主吞滅雅各一切的住處,並不顧惜。他發怒傾覆猶大民的保障,使這保障坍倒在地;他辱沒這國和其中的首領。
2:3 他發烈怒,把以色列的角全然砍斷,在仇敵面前收回右手。他像火焰四圍吞滅,將雅各燒毀。
2:4 他張弓好像仇敵;他站著舉起右手,如同敵人將悅人眼目的,盡行殺戮。在錫安百姓的帳棚上倒出他的忿怒,像火一樣。
Chapter 2
The Lord Has Destroyed Without Pity
1 How the Lord in his anger
has set the daughter of Zion under a cloud!
has cast down from heaven to earth
the splendor of Israel;
he has not remembered his footstool
in the day of his anger.
2 The Lord has swallowed up without mercy
all the habitations of Jacob;
in his wrath he has broken down
the strongholds of the daughter of Judah;
he has brought down to the ground in
the kingdom and its rulers.
3 He has cut down in fierce anger
all the might of Israel;
has withdrawn from them his right hand
in the face of the enemy;
has burned like a flaming fire in Jacob,
consuming all around.
4 He has bent his bow like an enemy,
with his right hand set like a foe;
and he has killed all who were delightful
in our eyes
in the tent of the daughter of Zion;
he has poured out his fury like fire.