2024年8月19日 星期一


 2:11 泰爾王希蘭寫信回答所羅門說:「耶和華因為愛他的子民,所以立你作他們的王」;

2:12 又說:「創造天地的耶和華─以色列的上帝是應當稱頌的!他賜給大衛王一個有智慧的兒子,使他有謀略聰明,可以為耶和華建造殿宇,又為自己的國建造宮室。

2:13 「現在我打發一個精巧有聰明的人去,他是我父親希蘭所用的,

2:14 是但支派一個婦人的兒子。他父親是泰爾人,他善用金、銀、銅、鐵、石、木,和紫色、藍色、朱紅色線與細麻製造各物,並精於雕刻,又能想出各樣的巧工。請你派定這人,與你的巧匠和你父─我主大衛的巧匠一同做工。

2:15 我主所說的小麥、大麥、酒、油,願我主運來給眾僕人。

2:16 我們必照你所需用的,從黎巴嫩砍伐樹木,紮成筏子,浮海運到約帕;你可以從那裡運到耶路撒冷。」

11 Hiram king of Tyre replied by letter to Solomon:

Because the Lord loves his people, he has made you their king.

12 And Hiram added:

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth! He has given King David a wise son, endowed with intelligence and discernment, who will build a temple for the Lord and a palace for himself.

13 I am sending you Huram-Abi, a man of great skill, 14 whose mother was from Dan and whose father was from Tyre. He is trained to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, and with purple and blue and crimson yarn and fine linen. He is experienced in all kinds of engraving and can execute any design given to him. He will work with your skilled workers and with those of my lord, David your father.

15 Now let my lord send his servants the wheat and barley and the olive oil and wine he promised, 16 and we will cut all the logs from Lebanon that you need and will float them as rafts by sea down to Joppa. You can then take them up to Jerusalem.









