51:1 耶和華如此說:我必使毀滅的風颳起,攻擊巴比倫和住在立加米的人。
51:2 我要打發外邦人來到巴比倫,簸揚她,使她的地空虛。在她遭禍的日子,他們要周圍攻擊她。
51:3 拉弓的,要向拉弓的和貫甲挺身的射箭。不要憐惜她的少年人;要滅盡她的全軍。
51:4 他們必在迦勒底人之地被殺仆倒,在巴比倫的街上被刺透。
51:5 以色列和猶大雖然境內充滿違背以色列聖者的罪,卻沒有被他的上帝─萬軍之耶和華丟棄。
51:6 你們要從巴比倫中逃奔,各救自己的性命!不要陷在她的罪孽中一同滅亡;因為這是耶和華報仇的時候,他必向巴比倫施行報應。
51:7 巴比倫素來是耶和華手中的金杯,使天下沉醉;萬國喝了她的酒就顛狂了。
51:8 巴比倫忽然傾覆毀壞;要為她哀號;為止她的疼痛,拿乳香或者可以治好。
51:9 我們想醫治巴比倫,她卻沒有治好。離開她吧!我們各人歸回本國;因為她受的審判通於上天,達到穹蒼。
51:10 耶和華已經彰顯我們的公義。來吧!我們可以在錫安報告耶和華─我們上帝的作為。
51:11 你們要磨尖了箭頭,抓住盾牌。耶和華定意攻擊巴比倫,將她毀滅,所以激動了瑪代君王的心;因這是耶和華報仇,就是為自己的殿報仇。
51:12 你們要豎立大旗,攻擊巴比倫的城牆;要堅固瞭望臺,派定守望的設下埋伏;因為耶和華指著巴比倫居民所說的話、所定的意,他已經作成。
51:13 住在眾水之上多有財寶的啊,你的結局到了!你貪婪之量滿了!
51:14 萬軍之耶和華指著自己起誓說:我必使敵人充滿你,像螞蚱一樣;他們必吶喊攻擊你。
51:2 我要打發外邦人來到巴比倫,簸揚她,使她的地空虛。在她遭禍的日子,他們要周圍攻擊她。
51:3 拉弓的,要向拉弓的和貫甲挺身的射箭。不要憐惜她的少年人;要滅盡她的全軍。
51:4 他們必在迦勒底人之地被殺仆倒,在巴比倫的街上被刺透。
51:5 以色列和猶大雖然境內充滿違背以色列聖者的罪,卻沒有被他的上帝─萬軍之耶和華丟棄。
51:6 你們要從巴比倫中逃奔,各救自己的性命!不要陷在她的罪孽中一同滅亡;因為這是耶和華報仇的時候,他必向巴比倫施行報應。
51:7 巴比倫素來是耶和華手中的金杯,使天下沉醉;萬國喝了她的酒就顛狂了。
51:8 巴比倫忽然傾覆毀壞;要為她哀號;為止她的疼痛,拿乳香或者可以治好。
51:9 我們想醫治巴比倫,她卻沒有治好。離開她吧!我們各人歸回本國;因為她受的審判通於上天,達到穹蒼。
51:10 耶和華已經彰顯我們的公義。來吧!我們可以在錫安報告耶和華─我們上帝的作為。
51:11 你們要磨尖了箭頭,抓住盾牌。耶和華定意攻擊巴比倫,將她毀滅,所以激動了瑪代君王的心;因這是耶和華報仇,就是為自己的殿報仇。
51:12 你們要豎立大旗,攻擊巴比倫的城牆;要堅固瞭望臺,派定守望的設下埋伏;因為耶和華指著巴比倫居民所說的話、所定的意,他已經作成。
51:13 住在眾水之上多有財寶的啊,你的結局到了!你貪婪之量滿了!
51:14 萬軍之耶和華指著自己起誓說:我必使敵人充滿你,像螞蚱一樣;他們必吶喊攻擊你。
51:15 耶和華用能力創造大地,用智慧建立世界,用聰明鋪張穹蒼。
51:16 他一發聲,空中便有多水激動;他使雲霧從地極上騰。他造電隨雨而閃,從他府庫中帶出風來。
51:17 各人都成了畜類,毫無知識。各銀匠都因他的偶像羞愧;他所鑄的偶像本是虛假的,其中並無氣息,
51:18 都是虛無的,是迷惑人的工作,到追討的時候,必被除滅。
51:19 雅各的分不像這些,因他是造作萬有的主;以色列也是他產業的支派。萬軍之耶和華是他的名。
51:20 你是我爭戰的斧子和打仗的兵器;我要用你打碎列國,用你毀滅列邦;
51:21 用你打碎馬和騎馬的;用你打碎戰車和坐在其上的;
51:22 用你打碎男人和女人;用你打碎老年人和少年人;用你打碎壯丁和處女;
51:23 用你打碎牧人和他的群畜;用你打碎農夫和他一對牛;用你打碎省長和副省長。
51:16 他一發聲,空中便有多水激動;他使雲霧從地極上騰。他造電隨雨而閃,從他府庫中帶出風來。
51:17 各人都成了畜類,毫無知識。各銀匠都因他的偶像羞愧;他所鑄的偶像本是虛假的,其中並無氣息,
51:18 都是虛無的,是迷惑人的工作,到追討的時候,必被除滅。
51:19 雅各的分不像這些,因他是造作萬有的主;以色列也是他產業的支派。萬軍之耶和華是他的名。
51:20 你是我爭戰的斧子和打仗的兵器;我要用你打碎列國,用你毀滅列邦;
51:21 用你打碎馬和騎馬的;用你打碎戰車和坐在其上的;
51:22 用你打碎男人和女人;用你打碎老年人和少年人;用你打碎壯丁和處女;
51:23 用你打碎牧人和他的群畜;用你打碎農夫和他一對牛;用你打碎省長和副省長。
Thus says the Lord:
I am going to stir up a destructive wind
against Babylon
and against the inhabitants of Leb-qamai;
and I will send winnowers to Babylon,
and they shall winnow her.
They shall empty her land
when they come against her from every side
on the day of trouble.
Let not the archer bend his bow,
and let him not array himself in his coat of mail.
Do not spare her young men;
utterly destroy her entire army.
They shall fall down slain in the land of the
and wounded in her streets.
Israel and Judah have not been forsaken
by their God, the Lord of
though their land is full of guilt
before the Holy One of Israel.
Flee from the midst of Babylon,
save your lives, each of you!
Do not perish because of her guilt,
for this is the time of the Lord’s
he is repaying her what is due.
Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord’s
making all the earth drunken;
the nations drank of her wine,
and so the nations went mad.
Suddenly Babylon has fallen and is shattered;
wail for her!
Bring balm for her wound;
perhaps she may be healed.
We tried to heal Babylon,
but she could not be healed.
Forsake her, and let each of us go
to our own country;
for her judgment has reached up to heaven
and has been lifted up even to the skies.
The Lord has brought forth
our vindication;
come, let us declare in Zion
the work of the Lord our
Sharpen the arrows!
Fill the quivers!
The Lord has stirred
up the spirit of the kings of the Medes, because his purpose concerning Babylon
is to destroy it, for that is the vengeance of the Lord,
vengeance for his temple.
Raise a standard against the walls of Babylon;
make the watch strong;
post sentinels;
prepare the ambushes;
for the Lord has both
planned and done
what he spoke concerning the inhabitants of
You who live by mighty waters,
rich in treasures,
your end has come,
the thread of your life is cut.
The Lord of hosts has sworn
by himself:
Surely I will fill you with troops like a swarm of
and they shall raise a shout of victory over you.
It is he who made the earth by his power,
who established the world by his wisdom,
and by his understanding stretched out the
When he utters his voice there is a tumult of
waters in the heavens,
and he makes the mist rise from the ends of the
He makes lightnings for the rain,
and he brings out the wind from his storehouses.
Everyone is stupid and without knowledge;
goldsmiths are all put to shame by their idols;
for their images are false,
and there is no breath in them.
They are worthless, a work of delusion;
at the time of their punishment they shall perish.
Not like these is the Lord,
the portion of Jacob,
for he is the one who formed all things,
and Israel is the tribe of his inheritance;
the Lord of hosts is his
You are my war club, my weapon of battle:
with you I smash nations;
with you I destroy kingdoms;
with you I smash the horse and its rider;
with you I smash the chariot and the charioteer;
with you I smash man and woman;
with you I smash the old man and the boy;
with you I smash the young man and the girl;
with you I smash shepherds and their flocks;
with you I smash farmers and their teams;
with you I smash governors and deputies.