30:18 我所測不透的奇妙有三樣,連我所不知道的共有四樣:
30:19 就是鷹在空中飛的道;蛇在磐石上爬的道;船在海中行的道;男與女交合的道。
30:20 淫婦的道也是這樣:她吃了,把嘴一擦就說:我沒有行惡。
30:19 就是鷹在空中飛的道;蛇在磐石上爬的道;船在海中行的道;男與女交合的道。
30:20 淫婦的道也是這樣:她吃了,把嘴一擦就說:我沒有行惡。
18 “There are three things that are too amazing for me,
four that I do not understand:
19 the way of an eagle in the sky,
the way of a snake on a rock,
the way of a ship on the high seas,
and the way of a man with a young woman.
four that I do not understand:
19 the way of an eagle in the sky,
the way of a snake on a rock,
the way of a ship on the high seas,
and the way of a man with a young woman.
20 “This is the way of an adulterous woman:
She eats and wipes her mouth
and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’
She eats and wipes her mouth
and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’