29:15 拉班對雅各說:「你雖是我的骨肉(原文是弟兄),豈可白白地服事我?請告訴我,你要甚麼為工價?」
29:16 拉班有兩個女兒,大的名叫利亞,小的名叫拉結。
29:17 利亞的眼睛沒有神氣,拉結卻生得美貌俊秀。
29:18 雅各愛拉結,就說:「我願為你小女兒拉結服事你七年。」
29:19 拉班說:「我把她給你,勝似給別人,你與我同住吧!」
29:20 雅各就為拉結服事了七年;他因為深愛拉結,就看這七年如同幾天。
29:21 雅各對拉班說:「日期已經滿了,求你把我的妻子給我,我好與她同房。」
29:22 拉班就擺設筵席,請齊了那地方的眾人。
29:23 到晚上,拉班將女兒利亞送來給雅各,雅各就與她同房。
29:24 拉班又將婢女悉帕給女兒利亞作使女。
29:25 到了早晨,雅各一看是利亞,就對拉班說:「你向我做的是甚麼事呢?我服事你,不是為拉結嗎?你為甚麼欺哄我呢?」
29:26 拉班說:「大女兒還沒有給人,先把小女兒給人,在我們這地方沒有這規矩。
29:27 你為這個滿了七日,我就把那個也給你,你再為她服事我七年。」
29:28 雅各就如此行。滿了利亞的七日,拉班便將女兒拉結給雅各為妻。
29:29 拉班又將婢女辟拉給女兒拉結作使女。
29:30 雅各也與拉結同房,並且愛拉結勝似愛利亞,於是又服事了拉班七年。
29:16 拉班有兩個女兒,大的名叫利亞,小的名叫拉結。
29:17 利亞的眼睛沒有神氣,拉結卻生得美貌俊秀。
29:18 雅各愛拉結,就說:「我願為你小女兒拉結服事你七年。」
29:19 拉班說:「我把她給你,勝似給別人,你與我同住吧!」
29:20 雅各就為拉結服事了七年;他因為深愛拉結,就看這七年如同幾天。
29:21 雅各對拉班說:「日期已經滿了,求你把我的妻子給我,我好與她同房。」
29:22 拉班就擺設筵席,請齊了那地方的眾人。
29:23 到晚上,拉班將女兒利亞送來給雅各,雅各就與她同房。
29:24 拉班又將婢女悉帕給女兒利亞作使女。
29:25 到了早晨,雅各一看是利亞,就對拉班說:「你向我做的是甚麼事呢?我服事你,不是為拉結嗎?你為甚麼欺哄我呢?」
29:26 拉班說:「大女兒還沒有給人,先把小女兒給人,在我們這地方沒有這規矩。
29:27 你為這個滿了七日,我就把那個也給你,你再為她服事我七年。」
29:28 雅各就如此行。滿了利亞的七日,拉班便將女兒拉結給雅各為妻。
29:29 拉班又將婢女辟拉給女兒拉結作使女。
29:30 雅各也與拉結同房,並且愛拉結勝似愛利亞,於是又服事了拉班七年。
16 Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. 17 Leah had weak[a] eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. 18 Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.”
19 Laban said, “It’s better that I give her to you than to some other man. Stay here with me.” 20 So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.
21 Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to make love to her.”
22 So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. 23 But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob, and Jacob made love to her. 24 And Laban gave his servant Zilpah to his daughter as her attendant.
25 When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?”
26 Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one. 27 Finish this daughter’s bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work.”
28 And Jacob did so. He finished the week with Leah, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife. 29 Laban gave his servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her attendant. 30 Jacob made love to Rachel also, and his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years.