20:1 亂定之後,保羅請門徒來,勸勉他們,就辭別起行,往馬其頓去。
20:2 走遍了那一帶地方,用許多話勸勉門徒(或譯:眾人),然後來到希臘。
20:3 在那裡住了三個月,將要坐船往敘利亞去,猶太人設計要害他,他就定意從馬其頓回去。
20:4 同他到亞細亞去的,有庇哩亞人畢羅斯的兒子所巴特,帖撒羅尼迦人亞里達古和西公都,還有特庇人該猶,並提摩太,又有亞細亞人推基古和特羅非摩。
20:5 這些人先走,在特羅亞等候我們。
20:6 過了除酵的日子,我們從腓立比開船,五天到了特羅亞,和他們相會,在那裡住了七天。
When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said goodbye and set out for Macedonia. 2 He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece, 3 where he stayed three months. Because some Jews had plotted against him just as he was about to sail for Syria, he decided to go back through Macedonia. 4 He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. 5 These men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas. 6 But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas, where we stayed seven days.