2015年11月6日 星期五


15:45 經上也是這樣記著說:「首先的人亞當成了有靈(靈:或譯血氣)的活人」;末後的亞當成了叫人活的靈。
15:46 但屬靈的不在先,屬血氣的在先,以後才有屬靈的。
15:47 頭一個人是出於地,乃屬土;第二個人是出於天。
15:48 那屬土的怎樣,凡屬土的也就怎樣;屬天的怎樣,凡屬天的也就怎樣。
15:49 我們既有屬土的形狀,將來也必有屬天的形狀。
15:50 弟兄們,我告訴你們說,血肉之體不能承受上帝的國,必朽壞的不能承受不朽壞的。

Thus it is written, "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam became a life- giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.






