2016年6月20日 星期一


3:1 禍哉!這流人血的城,充滿謊詐和強暴─搶奪的事總不止息。
3:2 鞭聲響亮,車輪轟轟,馬匹踢跳,車輛奔騰,
3:3 馬兵爭先,刀劍發光,槍矛閃爍,被殺的甚多,屍首成了大堆,屍骸無數,人碰著而跌倒,
3:4 都因那美貌的妓女多有淫行,慣行邪術,藉淫行誘惑列國,用邪術誘惑(原文是賣)多族。

Woe to the bloody city,
all full of lies and plunder—
no end to the prey!
  The crack of the whip, and rumble of the wheel,
galloping horse and bounding chariot!
  Horsemen charging,
flashing sword and glittering spear,
hosts of slain,
heaps of corpses,
dead bodies without end—
they stumble over the bodies!
  And all for the countless whorings of the prostitute,
graceful and of deadly charms,
who betrays nations with her whorings,
and peoples with her charms.


