2016年6月24日 星期五


3:5 論到使我民走差路的先知─他們牙齒有所嚼的,他們就呼喊說:平安了!凡不供給他們吃的,他們就預備攻擊他(預備攻擊他:或譯說必遭遇刀兵)─耶和華如此說:
3:6 你們必遭遇黑夜,以致不見異象;又必遭遇幽暗,以致不能占卜。日頭必向你們沉落,白晝變為黑暗。
3:7 先見必抱愧,占卜的必蒙羞,都必摀著嘴唇,因為上帝不應允他們。
3:8 至於我,我藉耶和華的靈,滿有力量、公平、才能,可以向雅各說明他的過犯,向以色列指出他的罪惡。

Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
who lead my people astray,
 who cry "Peace"
when they have something to eat,
but declare war against him
who puts nothing into their mouths.
 Therefore it shall be night to you, without vision,
and darkness to you, without divination.
 The sun shall go down on the prophets,
and the day shall be black over them;
 the seers shall be disgraced,
and the diviners put to shame;
 they shall all cover their lips,
for there is no answer from God.
 But as for me, I am filled with power,
with the Spirit of the Lord,
and with justice and might,
to declare to Jacob his transgression
and to Israel his sin.





