2016年6月27日 星期一


4:9 現在你為何大聲哭號呢?疼痛抓住你彷彿產難的婦人,是因你中間沒有君王嗎?你的謀士滅亡了嗎?
4:10 錫安的民(原文是女子)哪,你要疼痛劬勞,彷彿產難的婦人;因為你必從城裡出來,住在田野,到巴比倫去。在那裡要蒙解救;在那裡耶和華必救贖你脫離仇敵的手。
4:11 現在有許多國的民聚集攻擊你,說:願錫安被玷污!願我們親眼見她遭報!
4:12 他們卻不知道耶和華的意念,也不明白他的籌劃。他聚集他們,好像把禾捆聚到禾場一樣。
4:13 錫安的民(原文是女子)哪,起來踹穀吧!我必使你的角成為鐵,使你的蹄成為銅。你必打碎多國的民,將他們的財獻與耶和華,將他們的貨獻與普天下的主。

Now why do you cry aloud?
Is there no king in you?
Has your counselor perished,
that pain seized you like a woman in labor?
  Writhe and groan, O daughter of Zion,
like a woman in labor,
for now you shall go out from the city
and dwell in the open country;
you shall go to Babylon.
There you shall be rescued;
there the Lord will redeem you
from the hand of your enemies.
Now many nations
are assembled against you,
saying, “Let her be defiled,
and let our eyes gaze upon Zion.”
  But they do not know
the thoughts of the Lord;
they do not understand his plan,
that he has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing floor.
  Arise and thresh,
O daughter of Zion,
for I will make your horn iron,
and I will make your hoofs bronze;
you shall beat in pieces many peoples;
and shall devote their gain to the Lord,
their wealth to the Lord of the whole earth.




