1:9 「那時,我對你們說:『管理你們的重任,我獨自擔當不起。
1:10 耶和華─你們的上帝使你們多起來。看哪,你們今日像天上的星那樣多。
1:11 惟願耶和華─你們列祖的上帝使你們比如今更多千倍,照他所應許你們的話賜福與你們。
1:12 但你們的麻煩,和管理你們的重任,並你們的爭訟,我獨自一人怎能擔當得起呢?
1:13 你們要按著各支派選舉有智慧、有見識、為眾人所認識的,我立他們為你們的首領。』
1:14 你們回答我說:『照你所說的行了為妙。』
1:15 我便將你們各支派的首領,有智慧、為眾人所認識的,照你們的支派,立他們為官長、千夫長、百夫長、五十夫長、十夫長,管理你們。
1:16 「當時,我囑咐你們的審判官說:『你們聽訟,無論是弟兄彼此爭訟,是與同居的外人爭訟,都要按公義判斷。
1:17 審判的時候,不可看人的外貌;聽訟不可分貴賤,不可懼怕人,因為審判是屬乎上帝的。若有難斷的案件,可以呈到我這裡,我就判斷。』
1:18 那時,我將你們所當行的事都吩咐你們了。」
1:10 耶和華─你們的上帝使你們多起來。看哪,你們今日像天上的星那樣多。
1:11 惟願耶和華─你們列祖的上帝使你們比如今更多千倍,照他所應許你們的話賜福與你們。
1:12 但你們的麻煩,和管理你們的重任,並你們的爭訟,我獨自一人怎能擔當得起呢?
1:13 你們要按著各支派選舉有智慧、有見識、為眾人所認識的,我立他們為你們的首領。』
1:14 你們回答我說:『照你所說的行了為妙。』
1:15 我便將你們各支派的首領,有智慧、為眾人所認識的,照你們的支派,立他們為官長、千夫長、百夫長、五十夫長、十夫長,管理你們。
1:16 「當時,我囑咐你們的審判官說:『你們聽訟,無論是弟兄彼此爭訟,是與同居的外人爭訟,都要按公義判斷。
1:17 審判的時候,不可看人的外貌;聽訟不可分貴賤,不可懼怕人,因為審判是屬乎上帝的。若有難斷的案件,可以呈到我這裡,我就判斷。』
1:18 那時,我將你們所當行的事都吩咐你們了。」
9 At
that time I said to you, “You are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone. 10 The
Lord your God has increased your
numbers so that today you are as numerous as the stars in the sky. 11 May
the Lord, the God of your
ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! 12 But
how can I bear your problems and your burdens and your disputes all by myself? 13 Choose
some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will
set them over you.”
14 You
answered me, “What you propose to do is good.”
15 So I
took the leading men of your tribes, wise and respected men, and appointed them
to have authority over you—as commanders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties
and of tens and as tribal officials. 16 And I charged your judges
at that time, “Hear the disputes between your people and judge fairly, whether
the case is between two Israelites or between an Israelite and a foreigner
residing among you. 17 Do not show partiality in judging; hear
both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to
God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.” 18 And
at that time I told you everything you were to do.