14:1 二人在以哥念同進猶太人的會堂,在那裡講的,叫猶太人和希臘人信的很多。
14:2 但那不順從的猶太人聳動外邦人,叫他們心裡惱恨弟兄。
14:3 二人在那裡住了多日,倚靠主放膽講道;主藉他們的手施行神蹟奇事,證明他的恩道。
14:4 城裡的眾人就分了黨,有附從猶太人的,有附從使徒的。
14:5 那時,外邦人和猶太人,並他們的官長,一齊擁上來,要凌辱使徒,用石頭打他們。
14:6 使徒知道了,就逃往呂高尼的路司得、特庇兩個城和周圍地方去,
14:7 在那裡傳福音。
At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Greeks believed. 2 But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the other Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. 3 So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders. 4 The people of the city were divided; some sided with the Jews, others with the apostles. 5 There was a plot afoot among both Gentiles and Jews, together with their leaders, to mistreat them and stone them. 6 But they found out about it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and to the surrounding country, 7 where they continued to preach the gospel.