2016年9月18日 星期日


6:19 次日黎明,王就起來,急忙往獅子坑那裡去。
6:20 臨近坑邊,哀聲呼叫但以理,對但以理說:「永生上帝的僕人但以理啊,你所常事奉的上帝能救你脫離獅子嗎?」
6:21 但以理對王說:「願王萬歲!
6:22 我的上帝差遣使者,封住獅子的口,叫獅子不傷我;因我在上帝面前無辜,我在王面前也沒有行過虧損的事。」
6:23 王就甚喜樂,吩咐人將但以理從坑裡繫上來。於是但以理從坑裡被繫上來,身上毫無傷損,因為信靠他的上帝。
6:24 王下令,人就把那些控告但以理的人,連他們的妻子兒女都帶來,扔在獅子坑中。他們還沒有到坑底,獅子就抓住(原文是勝了)他們,咬碎他們的骨頭。

Then, at break of day, the king arose and went in haste to the den of lions.  As he came near to the den where Daniel was, he cried out in a tone of anguish. The king declared to Daniel, “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?”  Then Daniel said to the king, “O king, live forever!  My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.”  Then the king was exceedingly glad, and commanded that Daniel be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of harm was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.  And the king commanded, and those men who had maliciously accused Daniel were brought and cast into the den of lions—they, their children, and their wives. And before they reached the bottom of the den, the lions overpowered them and broke all their bones in pieces.









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