22:1 論異象谷的默示:有甚麼事使你這滿城的人都上房頂呢?
22:2 你這滿處吶喊、大有喧嘩的城,歡樂的邑啊,你中間被殺的並不是被刀殺,也不是因打仗死亡。
22:3 你所有的官長一同逃跑,都為弓箭手所捆綁。你中間一切被找到的都一同被捆綁;他們本是逃往遠方的。
22:4 所以我說:你們轉眼不看我,我要痛哭。不要因我眾民(原文是民女)的毀滅,就竭力安慰我。
22:5 因為主─萬軍之耶和華使「異象谷」有潰亂、踐踏、煩擾的日子。城被攻破,哀聲達到山間。
22:6 以攔帶著箭袋,還有坐戰車的和馬兵;吉珥揭開盾牌。
22:7 你嘉美的谷遍滿戰車,也有馬兵在城門前排列。
22:8 他去掉猶大的遮蓋。那日,你就仰望林庫內的軍器。
22:9 你們看見大衛城的破口很多,便聚積下池的水,
22:10 又數點耶路撒冷的房屋,將房屋拆毀,修補城牆,
22:11 又在兩道城牆中間挖一個聚水池可盛舊池的水,卻不仰望做這事的主,也不顧念從古定這事的。
22:2 你這滿處吶喊、大有喧嘩的城,歡樂的邑啊,你中間被殺的並不是被刀殺,也不是因打仗死亡。
22:3 你所有的官長一同逃跑,都為弓箭手所捆綁。你中間一切被找到的都一同被捆綁;他們本是逃往遠方的。
22:4 所以我說:你們轉眼不看我,我要痛哭。不要因我眾民(原文是民女)的毀滅,就竭力安慰我。
22:5 因為主─萬軍之耶和華使「異象谷」有潰亂、踐踏、煩擾的日子。城被攻破,哀聲達到山間。
22:6 以攔帶著箭袋,還有坐戰車的和馬兵;吉珥揭開盾牌。
22:7 你嘉美的谷遍滿戰車,也有馬兵在城門前排列。
22:8 他去掉猶大的遮蓋。那日,你就仰望林庫內的軍器。
22:9 你們看見大衛城的破口很多,便聚積下池的水,
22:10 又數點耶路撒冷的房屋,將房屋拆毀,修補城牆,
22:11 又在兩道城牆中間挖一個聚水池可盛舊池的水,卻不仰望做這事的主,也不顧念從古定這事的。
The oracle concerning the valley of vision.
What do you mean that you have gone up,
all of you, to the housetops,
you that are full of shoutings,
tumultuous city, exultant town?
Your slain are not slain by the sword,
nor are they dead in battle.
Your rulers have all fled together;
they were captured without the use of a bow.
All of you who were found were captured,
though they had fled far away.
Therefore I said:
Look away from me,
let me weep bitter tears;
do not try to comfort me
for the destruction of my beloved people.
For the Lord God of hosts
has a day
of tumult and trampling and confusion
in the valley of vision,
a battering down of walls
and a cry for help to the mountains.
Elam bore the quiver
with chariots and cavalry,
and Kir uncovered the shield.
Your choicest valleys were full of chariots,
and the cavalry took their stand at the gates.
He has taken away the covering of Judah.
On that day you looked to the weapons of the
House of the Forest, 9and you saw that there were many breaches in
the city of David, and you collected the waters of the lower pool. 10You
counted the houses of Jerusalem, and you broke down the houses to fortify the
wall. 11You made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of
the old pool. But you did not look to him who did it, or have regard for him
who planned it long ago.