2015年12月30日 星期三


4:17 那些人熱心待你們,卻不是好意,是要離間你們(原文是把你們關在外面),叫你們熱心待他們。
4:18 在善事上,常用熱心待人原是好的,卻不單我與你們同在的時候才這樣。
4:19 我小子啊,我為你們再受生產之苦,直等到基督成形在你們心裡。
4:20 我巴不得現今在你們那裡,改換口氣,因我為你們心裡作難。

Those people may be paying you a lot of attention, but it isn’t for your good. They only want to keep you away from me, so you will pay them a lot of attention. It is always good to give your attention to something worthwhile, even when I am not with you. My children, I am in terrible pain until Christ may be seen living in you. I wish I were with you now. Then I would not have to talk this way. You really have me puzzled.

Ke-têu ngìn tui ngì-têu án ngie̍t-sîm, m̀-he má-ke hó sîm-su̍t. Kì-têu ke muk-tit he oi chhiet-thôn ngì-têu lâu ngài ke koân-he, sṳ́ ngì-têu chang voi ngie̍t-sîm tui-thai kì-têu. Chhai san-sṳ-song ngie̍t-sîm pún-lòi he hó ke, chúng-he m̀ tân-chhiang ngài thùng ngì-têu khiung-ha ke sṳ̀ chang án-ngiòng. Ngài chhîn-oi ke chṳ́-ńg â, ngài vi ngì-têu chai yit-pái chhiong â-mê ngiûn-su sên-sán ke thung-khú, chhṳ̍t-to Kî-tuk chhai ngì-têu ke sâng-miang-chûng sṳ̀n-hìn. Liá-ha, ngài na-he thùng ngì-têu khiung-ha, m̀-tî voi yû kí hó ô! Ngài lâu ngì-têu kóng-fa ke khiéu-hi chhiu m̀-sṳ́ chhiong án-ngiòng. Vi-tó ngì-têu, ngài ke sîm sṳ̍t-chhai mò-kat mò-sat!




