2016年3月20日 星期日


2:12 但這些人好像沒有靈性,生來就是畜類,以備捉拿宰殺的。他們毀謗所不曉得的事,正在敗壞人的時候,自己必遭遇敗壞。
2:13 行的不義,就得了不義的工價。這些人喜愛白晝宴樂,他們已被玷污,又有瑕疵,正與你們一同坐席,就以自己的詭詐為快樂。
2:14 他們滿眼是淫色(原文是淫婦),止不住犯罪,引誘那心不堅固的人,心中習慣了貪婪,正是被咒詛的種類。

These people, however, are like irrational animals, mere creatures of instinct, born to be caught and killed. They slander what they do not understand, and when those creatures are destroyed, they also will be destroyed, suffering the penalty for doing wrong. They count it a pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their dissipation while they feast with you. They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!

Chúng-he, liá-pân ngìn chhiong mò lìn-sin ke khìm-chhu, thiên-sên chhiu-he oi pûn-ngìn chok pûn-ngìn chhṳ̀ ke; kì-têu cheu pún-nèn hi hàng, fí-pong chhṳ-kâ mò liáu-kié ke sṳ. Kì-têu voi chhiong khìm-chhu khiung-yong tù-tó fí-me̍t. Kì-têu tô hàng put-ngi, chui-heu voi sṳ̍t-tó put-ngi ke po-yin. Tui kì-têu lòi kóng, só-vi khoai-lo̍k chhiu-he chhai kông-thiên pha̍k-ngit chṳ̂-ha mân-chiuk ngiuk-thí ke chhìn-yu̍k. Kì-têu fî-sòng ô-chô lâu vû-ve! Kì-têu thùng ngì-têu khiung-chok sṳ̍t-fan( 2 2:13 “khiung-chok sṳ̍t-fan” yû-têu kú-kién he “chhai oi-yen”.) ke sṳ̀, chhiu nâ kúi-cha lòi chún-cho khoai-lo̍k! Kì-têu hau-set ke muk-chû chôn-khon yìm-fu, fam-chhui ke yu̍k-mong yit-chhṳ̍t mò mân-chiuk. Kì-têu yú-fe̍t ngiôn-ngio̍k ke ngìn; kì-têu thâm-sîm si̍p-koan; kì-têu he Song-ti só chu-chú ke ngìn!







