2016年3月21日 星期一


2:20 倘若他們因認識主─救主耶穌基督,得以脫離世上的污穢,後來又在其中被纏住、制伏,他們末後的景況就比先前更不好了。
2:21 他們曉得義路,竟背棄了傳給他們的聖命,倒不如不曉得為妙。
2:22 俗語說得真不錯:狗所吐的,牠轉過來又吃;豬洗淨了又回到泥裡去滾;這話在他們身上正合式。

For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment that was passed on to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb,“The dog turns back to its own vomit,” and,“The sow is washed only to wallow in the mud.”

Na-he ngìn thûng-ko ngin-sṳt ngài-têu ke Chú — Kiu-chú Yâ-sû Kî-tuk, thot-lì liá sṳ-kie fú-phai ke kok-chúng sṳ-li̍t, yî-heu yu pûn kì-têu chok-hi, pûn kì-têu chṳ-fu̍k, liá-chúng ngìn ke kiet-khiu̍k chhiu pí siên-chhièn hàn-kha chhám. Kì-têu tî yû chṳn-ngi ke tho-lu, hàn kám tui kì-têu só sṳ̀n-su ke sṳ̀n-sṳn ke min-lin lì-khôi; liá-chúng ngìn mo̍k tî yû chṳn-ngi ke tho-lu hàn-kha yàng. Siu̍k-ngî kóng chhin chho̍k: “Kiéu-è fì-thèu sṳ̍t kì só éu chhut-lòi ke”; ya-he “Chû-é sé-chhiang, yu vun nam-nài”. Kì-têu ke chhìn-hìn chhiu-chhiong án-ngiòng.






