25:18 「我的律例,你們要遵行,我的典章,你們要謹守,就可以在那地上安然居住。
25:19 地必出土產,你們就要吃飽,在那地上安然居住。
25:20 你們若說:『這第七年我們不耕種,也不收藏土產,吃甚麼呢?』
25:21 我必在第六年將我所命的福賜給你們,地便生三年的土產。
25:22 第八年,你們要耕種,也要吃陳糧,等到第九年出產收來的時候,你們還吃陳糧。」
25:19 地必出土產,你們就要吃飽,在那地上安然居住。
25:20 你們若說:『這第七年我們不耕種,也不收藏土產,吃甚麼呢?』
25:21 我必在第六年將我所命的福賜給你們,地便生三年的土產。
25:22 第八年,你們要耕種,也要吃陳糧,等到第九年出產收來的時候,你們還吃陳糧。」
18 “‘Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will
live safely in the land. 19 Then the land will yield its
fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety. 20 You may ask, “What will we
eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?”
21 I will send you such a
blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years.
22 While you plant during
the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from
it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.